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Building better lives together

Mexico 2024

Thanks for your interest in joining Volunteer Build in Vanuatu to build another school classroom for V2 Life in Eratarp, located just outside of Port Vila.  The school is run by V2 Life who started Teouma Christian Academy to respond to the needs of their community.  In 2023 we built a double classroom for this school and will be returning in August 2024 to build an additional double classroom.

Girls Build - Another home built in Mexico
Volunteer and Travel the world

Trip ID


Departure Date

28th September 2024

Estimated Airfare

From NZD $2,000

Building Contribution

NZD $1000

Trip Cost

NZD $2,450

Estimated Total

NZD $5,450

Trip Itinerary

Fly Saturday 28th September 2024 from Auckland International Airport (AKL) to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). A Volunteer Build team member will meet you there before we drive south to cross the border into Mexico. You will have Sunday to relax and explore Rosarito. Building starts on Monday in the southern colonias of Tijuana. On Wednesday afternoon, the house keys will be handed over at a dedication ceremony. Thursday, we head to Cabo San Lucas to volunteer with YWAM Cabo and enjoy some R & R. The trip officially finishes midday Monday 7th of October 2024 when you can fly back to LAX and onwards to Auckland that evening. Alternatively, stay on in Mexico or the USA and enjoy a relaxing few days at your own cost and arrangements.

Trip Details

On this trip, attendees are responsible for arranging their airfare from Auckland (AKL) to Los Angeles (LAX), Tijuana (TIJ) to Cabo San Lucas (SJD) and back to AKL. You can arrive earlier or stay longer than the official trip dates at your cost. The budget amount for airfare is shown as a guide. Once you have registered for the trip, we will supply the TIJ to SJD airline and flight time.

9 nights’ accommodation in Share Twin rooms in Apartments and Hotel Rooms. Accommodation has a swimming pool.

Trip cost includes 6 breakfasts and 3 lunches. Drinking water and fruit on building days are provided. There are supermarkets close by to our accommodation for self-catering of other meals in your apartment kitchen or join other team members for dinners at local taco stands and restaurants.

Hired vans.

Building Contribution
NZ$1,000 per person to fund the building materials.

You will need to consult your doctor, however common vaccinations needed include Tetanus, Diphtheria, MMR, Hepatitis A & flu vax, chicken pox (unless you have had it). Remember it’s not just you who needs protection – it’s the Mexican families you interact with as well..

Entrance to the US for NZ passport holders is on the visa waiver program although prior to departure you will need to apply online for an ESTA (electronic authorization to travel to the US costing approx. US$14). We will stop at the US/Mexican border for you to obtain your Mexican tourist visa (US$30 cash). You will need 6 months validity on your passport after you leave.

Travel Insurance
Travel insurance is compulsory and must include coverage for building and medical evacuation costs. Volunteer Build offers a policy through Covermore, and a personalized quote will be supplied after you sign up for the trip.

Trip Guardians
If you are under 18 years old, you will need to travel with a trip guardian who is 18 years or older. Signed parental consent documentation will be required to travel.

Trip Costs Exclude
All airfares
Travel insurance premium
Mexican and USA Tourist visas
All meals not specified (budget guide if eating out for lunches approx. $20; dinner approx. $30).
Personal drinks and snacks.
Personal spending money
Optional excursions – e.g. sailing in Cabo.

Photos of Previous Volunteerbuild Trips to Mexico

Building Plans

Country Profile

Population 127 Million
Border Countries USA, Guatemala, Belize
Capital City Mexico City
Currency Mexicon Peso
Language Spanish only 92.7%, Spanish and Indigenous languages 5.7%, Indigenous Only 0.8%, Unspecified 0.8%
Religion Roman Catholic 82.7%, Pentecostal 1.6%, Jehovah's Witness 1.4%, Evangelical 5%, Other 1.9%, None 4.7%, Unspecified 2.7% (2010)
Type of Government Federal Presidential Republic
% living in poverty Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines: (% population) 53.2%. Population living on less than $10 per day: 73.2%
Life Expectancy 77 years
Infectious Diseases Food or water born disease: Bacterial Diarrhea and Hepatitis A, Dengue Fever, Zika Risk
Top Killers Diabetes, Heart Disease
Literacy Adult literacy rate (% ages 15 and older) 94.4%
Natural Resources Petroleum, Silver, Copper, Gold, Lead, Zinc, Natural Gas, Timber
Agriculture Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Rice, Beans, Cotton, Coffee, Fruit, Tomatoes, Beef, Poultry, Dairy Products, Wood Products.
Industry Food & beverages, Tobacco, Chemicals, Iron, Steel, Petroleum, Mining, Textiles, Clothing, Vehicles, Consumer Durables and Tourism